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How Artists Successfully Market Their NFTs
Sep 18, 2023

How Artists Successfully Market Their NFTs

Share your NFT creation process. Offer to handle buying for collectors without crypto knowledge. Provide tutorials to prevent barriers. Building a community takes time - stay dedicated. Any artist can successfully market NFTs with the right strategy.

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The Partners of Choice: Why Galleries Are Indispensable for Blockunique
Sep 03, 2023

The Partners of Choice: Why Galleries Are Indispensable for Blockunique

The new NFT art market lacks stability, standards & acceptance. Traditional art aficionados & galleries are skeptical of this digital art form, citing too much speculation, uncertainty & overinflated prices as reservations.

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Explaining Our Review Process for Digital Art
Aug 25, 2023

Explaining Our Review Process for Digital Art

As a reliable provider of digital art, at Blockunique we place the utmost importance on a rigorous review process before minting any artwork as an NFT. Let me explain step-by-step how we go about it:

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Blockchain - The Technology That Gives Artists Back Control
Aug 16, 2023

Blockchain - The Technology That Gives Artists Back Control

Many artists today face the problem that their art is copied and distributed without permission. At the same time, intermediaries like galleries and auction houses pocket the lion's share of revenues. Blockchain technology promises remedy here.

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Exclusivity Made Easy - How NFTs Are Revolutionizing the Art Market
Aug 01, 2023

Exclusivity Made Easy - How NFTs Are Revolutionizing the Art Market

NFTs mean far more than just a new form of digital art. The unique digital assets will revolutionize the entire art market and the collecting of art.

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